The Edge, Directed by Larry Rosen, explores social causes of suicide. Taking on a strong subject matter and showing how the main character, Ron, can be drawn to the edge of a cliff deciding whether or not to jump. His pain and isolation is shown through his interactions, especially with his ex-girlfriend, Tina, played by Valentina Zell. The performance by the talented Zell, brings the audience to feel Ron's pain, bringing to a dramatic end and powerful message.
The Edge, Directed by Larry Rosen, explores social causes of suicide. Taking on a strong subject matter and showing how the main character, Ron, can be drawn to the edge of a cliff deciding whether or not to jump. His pain and isolation is shown through his interactions, especially with his ex-girlfriend, Tina, played by Valentina Zell. The performance by the talented Zell, brings the audience to feel Ron's pain, bringing to a dramatic end and powerful message.