Hillary Hawkins, best known as Robyn on Nickelodeon’s Nick Jr.; introduced shows daily such as Dora The Explorer and Little Bill, now has decided to tackle social issues such as depression through film. Hawkins recently started Hillary Hawkins Production LLC and assembled a team for her first film. This included bringing in award-winning director/producer Larry Rosen as associate producer for the first production, Sherri’s Black Sin.
According to Hawkins, “Making films has always been a dream of mine. There comes a point in your life when you wake up and realize dreams really can come true!” Sherri’s Black Sin is based on the stage play written by Hawkins, titled “Sherri.” The film adaptation, stars Hawkins as the title character, Sherri; and Broadway Star Khalid Rivera, as Queen. “Sherri is a college student suffering from depression and Queen helps her come to many self realizations about who she is and her own self worth” says Rosen. “I hope that people will be inspired to talk about issues that may be plaguing them and realize that they are not alone” says Hawkins.
Hawkins is already planning subsequent films to put together as an anthology of social issues.